Video by Noel Calubaquib, Interview by Yelena Scheidler

During the peak of spring, as the flowers began to bloom, Chanel Green-Nelson, the founder of Liznel, brought a memorable fashion show to Richmond – FLOURISH. The event took place at the stunning Branch Museum, where fashion enthusiasts, influencers, pageant queens, industry leaders, and media filled every seat, adorned in green and earth-tone colors to honor the theme. Dash Talents conducted interviews with participants, delving into their individual interpretations of flourish, each response proving to be unique and captivating. Chanel Green-Nelson has undoubtedly flourished in her career, transitioning from corporate America to the heart of the fashion world, juggling her roles as the executive director of RVAFW, founder of Liznel, and most recently, a mother.

 The runway showcased designs worn by models of all ages, races, and body shapes, featuring a range of stunning ensembles, power suits, bright suit dresses, and earth-tone sets to cater to every woman for any occasion. Liznel is a space for all women, offering something magnificent for everyone, and Chanel expertly conveyed this message throughout the show.

To follow Chanel and her fashion journey, please follow: